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test008 MAIL HOME
However, Chungju URL city is reportedly watching the trend as the New Progressive Party Solidarity Conference opposes the bid. TheURL Korea Horse Racing Association is recruiting applicants for the project to install five more URL park and complex leisure-type outdoor sales centers across the country this year, and in North Chungcheong URL Province, where no horse racing-related facilities have been installed, Cheongju and Chungju have URL been moving to attract the bid since the first half of the year.

+++ 2025/02/04/17:08

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+++ 2025/02/04/17:08

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test008 MAIL HOME
Rather than going to the overall rating system, I think we should protect horses by organizing special races. The weight of the rating increases a lot, so if a good horse runs with 60kg each, the horse gets injured and is discharged. We URL hope that it will be organized so that they can compete through special races even in order to protect racehorses. Also, let's run park Busan and Gyeongnam take good care of the overall URL management of fair horse racing. Even among jockeys, there is a phenomenon that they are only focused on certain horse URL parlors or horses, so I ask them to pay more attention to fair horse racing. In his inaugural speech, the new chairman,

+++ 2025/02/04/17:08

[Res] [inf] :: ,ビ,r,G,X ::
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+++ 2025/02/04/17:08

[Res] [inf]
test008 MAIL HOME
Rather than going to the overall rating system, I think we should protect horses by organizing special races. The weight of the rating increases a lot, so if a good horse runs with 60kg each, the horse gets injured and is discharged. We hope that it will be URL organized so that they can compete through special races even in order to protect racehorses. Also, let's run park Busan and Gyeongnam take good care of the overall management of fair URL horse racing. Even among jockeys, there is a phenomenon that they are only focused on certain horse parlors or horses, URL so I ask them to pay more attention to fair horse racing. In his inaugural speech, the new chairman,

+++ 2025/02/04/17:08


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